
Coronavirus – precautionary measures

Over The Wall and its senior management team is closely monitoring the regional and national situation in relation to Coronavirus (Covid-19), a highly infections illness that can spread from person to person. 

We are following closely the infection control guidelines and advice from the Department of Health and Social Care and are appraising our plans daily – latest updates on this can be found at www.otw.org.uk/news.

Over The Wall are putting in place precautionary measures to tackle the spread of Coronavirus.

Do not attend camp if:

you have been to an affected place in the last 14 days


had contact with somebody with Coronavirus


you are displaying the following symptoms

If you are displaying these symptoms, to protect yourself and others, please remain at home and search ‘nhs coronavirus’ for advice and to access the 111 online coronavirus service or call NHS 111.

Our campers are a vulnerable group with compromised immune systems.

Do not attend camp if you think you have been affected by Coronavirus.