
Our Nursing team

Our nursing team are here to provide safe, high levels of care for your children and young adults.

Meet the Nursing Team



Hello, my name is Sally and I am the Director of Nursing at Over The Wall. I started as Director of Nursing in December and I feel privileged and excited to be back working here again as, previously I worked as Nursing Coordinator for 2 years until I my daughter came along in 2014 and prior to that had volunteered at camp for several years. 

I have been qualified as a paediatric nurse for 22 years. In 2009 I gained my Masters as an Advanced Paediatric Nurse Practitioner working within urgent care and paediatic assessment units. Then in 2016 I decided to move into more management roles and became Matron for Emergency and Acute care overseeing a busy Emergency department and other areas. For the past 3 years I have been Matron for Children and young peoples services. 

Out of work I enjoy going to the gym, hiking up mountains in the Lake District, cooking and spending time with friends and family 

Gemma Johnson – Nursing Coordinator



Get in touch

Fill out the form or use the details below to get in touch.
02392 477110 

Kayleigh and Amber from Over The Wall