Navy Blue Arrow

Annual reviews and reports

Our annual reports highlight our progress and challenges every year and let you see how your support is helping us to provide a world of mischief, magic and new possibilities through free transformative activity camps.

Ofsted Reports

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. We inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. We also inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people.

View all our current Ofsted reports below. We are currently ranked ‘Outstanding’.

Annual Review & Financial Statements 2023

We achieved significant successes in 2023, including a 35% increase in residential campers and continued use of Camp in the Cloud. Despite high inflation and a challenging financial climate, our fundraising team set a new record for income, allowing us to end the year with a surplus.

Recognised as an ‘Outstanding Provider’ by Ofsted, our dedicated team and supporters enabled us to make a meaningful difference. Thank you for your continued support.

Annual Review & Financial Statements 2022

We started 2022 a little unsure of the environment we were entering but were determined to try and ‘roar back’ after two years with no residential camps due to the Covid Pandemic. With wonderful support from our Patrons, corporate and other donors, and following on from work we started in late 2021, we reinvested and rebuilt our staff teams, particularly within fundraising and operations, but also in marketing and communications. 

Annual Review & Financial Statements 2021

With our residential camps once again off the calendar, but with an eye to a post-covid future, we focused 2021 on developing a broader suite of future services and growing, organising, and preparing ourselves for service delivery in 2022 and beyond.

Boy jumping in the air in his lounge while taking part in Camp in the Cloud 2021

Annual Review & Financial Statements 2020

With all our residential camps cancelled, our story for 2020 could have been a terribly negative one, but, as John F Kennedy once noted, “When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters — one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” 

Our narrative for 2020 is about how we faced our specific danger quickly and decisively, then responded creatively to the opportunity presented to reinvent the way we deliver our services, ending the year positively, with a future full of new possibilities.

Annual Review & Financial Statements 2019

2019 marked the 20th anniversary of Over The Wall and we celebrated by
having our most successful year ever, serving over 1000 campers for the first
time, running more camps of all descriptions, including Partnership Camps
we run collaboratively with other children’s health charities.

you girl at over the wall camp blowing bubbles

Annual Review & Financial Statements 2018

We continue to be very fortunate to have the support of the SeriousFun Children’s Network, an organisation that brings together the camps founded by Paul Newman across the world.

We increased our camper numbers by 30% to 866, new charity partnerships and camp programmes were developed and delivered as our partnership business model began to get traction, and the charity further developed and professionalised its internal organisation.

Annual Review & Financial Statements 2017

2017 was a year of planned consolidation for Over The Wall after five years of
continual growth and provided the opportunity for us to restructure the charity’s operational resources and build reserves ahead of a further planned period of growth.

We repeated our 2016 record number of campers (667) in 2017 and organised and delivered two camps for other charities including, for the first time, a weekend camp for children aged 8-12 with severe allergies, for which we won a national award from Allergy UK.

Camper on zip wire at Over The Wall Camp

Annual Review & Financial Statements 2016

2016 was another excellent year for Over The Wall as the charity increased camper numbers for the fifth year in a row, this time by over 16% from 574 to 667 serving families all over the UK.

With the wonderful generosity of spirit and time, 641 volunteers including 62 doctors and nurses selflessly gave up their leave and holiday time to assist in the running of our camps this year. Without their support, we simply could not operate.