Register for London Marathon 2023

Thank you for your interest in taking part in London Marathon 2023!

Please fill out the form below to register your interest in a place. A member of the Fundraising Team will be in touch shortly. If you are having trouble submitting your form please email

Things to know before filling out this form:

  • You must need to be aged 18
  • The London Marathon 2023 takes place on Sunday 23 April 2023
  • We only have extremely limited places available for the London Marathon, so unfortunately not every application will be successful.
  • We will determine who gets a place through this application process (a key factor in our decision is based on how you plan to raise your sponsorship – therefore, please provide as much information as possible when asked on this form)
  • The registration fee is £100
  • We ask all our runners to pledge a minimum sponsorship of £2,500 for the London Marathon

Please fill in the application form as fully as possible, particularly paying attention to the part where you are asked for all your great ideas for reaching the minimum sponsorship pledge of £2,500.

We request that all runners set up their marathon page within 2 weeks of being awarded one of our marathon places

When submiting this form, you are giving us permission to contact you by both email and telephone with regards to your London Marathon Registration.