Meals at Camp

What are mealtimes like at camp?

Dining Hall

Mealtimes at camp are a fantastic time for all of camp to come together to eat. You will eat your meals with the rest of your team (including your volunteers) and at the end of every meal, the OTW Support Team will give any announcements and read out challenges set by other teams! At lunch and dinner, we also have a Dance Party and sing some camp songs!

The Dining Hall can get very noisy, so if you know that this will upset or overwhelm you, please ask someone to let us know before you come to camp.

Allergy Awareness

We have campers at camp with several allergies, which means certain foods can make them very unwell if they come into contact with them.

Therefore, we ask that you DO NOT bring any type of food to camp with you.

Sample Menu

The camp menu is different at every camp, but here is an example of the sort of food that you will be served. Please be aware that it will not be possible to eat food prepared by anyone other than the chefs on site. If you have any concerns about this, or feel like you couldn’t eat anything from this sample menu, please as ask someone to get in touch with us before camp.